Biden: ‘Jim Crow is Sneaking Back’ Under ‘Clown’ Trump

On Saturday, 2020 hopeful Joe Biden called President Trump a “clown” who was helping “Jim Crow” racism to return to the United States.

Biden kicked off his rally in Columbia, South Carolina with a string of warnings about racism and hatred rising under Trump’s presidency, in an effort to win support from African-Americans Democrats in the state.

“Folks, last year, 24 states introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to curtail the right the vote. And guess what, mostly directed at ‘people of color,’” he said. “You see it. We have Jim Crow sneaking back in. No, I mean it!”

Biden pointed to the elections in Georgia and Florida in 2018, where Republican candidates beat Democrats Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum.

“Why? Because they know if everybody has an equal right to vote, guess what? They lose!” he said.

He also alluded to the 2015 racist church massacre in Charleston, after a shooter killed nine African Americans at a black church. He reminded the crowd about Obama’s speech at the funeral and his decision to sing Amazing Grace to the congregation.

“I watched my buddy Barack stand up there, I watched him talk, and he talked about we have to find that Amazing Grace,” Biden said.

He recalled that day, noting that the people in South Carolina witnessed hatred that day.

“What we’ve never seen, when we have bad folks splitting people – Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, marching, chanting hate coming out of the woods literally with their torches, coming out from under rocks, and shouting the same antisemitic bile that was shouted and spoken to in Germany in the ’30’s,” Biden said.

He said that Trump was too divisive for the country, trying to clear his way into power.

“Any problem anybody has, he said, it is ‘the other,’ it’s the black community, it’s those folks coming across the border,” Biden said referring to Trump. “It just goes on and on and frankly, I’ve had it up to here.”

Source: Breitbart


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