Biden Finally Returns to White House After 4-Day Absence Looking Exhausted, Bent Over and Unstable

Joe Biden went on vacation just as the Taliban captured Kabul, trapping over 10,000 Americans and even more Western workers trying to flee the city. The Taliban will surely consider all of them hostages. On top of that, billions in U.S. weapons are now in the hands of these jihadists as well as open to inspection by Russia and China.

And all of it could have been avoided were it not for the incredibly bad decisions on the part of our mentally incapacitated President:

The president’s top generals, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley, urged Mr. Biden to keep a force of about 2,500 troops, the size he inherited, while seeking a peace agreement between warring Afghan factions, to help maintain stability. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who previously served as a military commander in the region, said a full withdrawal wouldn’t provide any insurance against instability.

In a series of meetings leading up to his decision, military and intelligence officials told Mr. Biden that security was deteriorating in Afghanistan, and they expressed concerns both about the capabilities of the Afghan military and the Taliban’s likely ability to take over major Afghan cities.

Mr. Biden, however, was committed to ending the U.S. military role in the country. The president told his policy advisers the U.S. was providing life support for the Afghan government, which, in his view, was corrupt and had squandered billions of dollars in American assistance, according to current and former administration officials. He wanted to reorient American foreign policy onto what he sees as more pressing international matters, including competition with China, and domestic issues including infrastructure and battling Covid. “I am deeply saddened by the facts we now face, but I do not regret my decision,” he said Monday.

It doesn’t take too much common sense to know that you want to get the people and weapons out before you take the military out. Your average 5th grader would know better. This is how debilitated Biden is.

In October 2020 when Pelosi pushed a new bill to determine whether President Trump should be removed under the 25th amendment, Trump responded by saying that the consideration was not for him, more likely she has taken a preparatory move in anticipation of a Biden presidency.

Has that moment arrived?

On Tuesday night Biden finally returned to the White House after being AWOL for four days. He looked exhausted, hunched over and frail. With a disapproval rating of 70%, perhaps the time is now for Biden to step down. One wonders how this elderly, mentally impaired man can even handle the stress and how he may be conducting himself behind the scenes. Many are calling for his head on the Right and the Left.

Will we soon have a President Harris?

H/T: Gateway Pundit


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