Contrary to what the mainstream media would have you believe, Hillary’s position as the Democratic nominee is far from guaranteed.
Coming a long way from being the dark horse of the Democratic race, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is finally catching up on the former Secretary of State’s lead. This couldn’t happen at a more opportune time for the socialist senator, as the first few states in the primary elections are gearing up for them.
Whereas Hillary had a massive lead over Sanders before, he now only trails her by 3 percentage points in Iowa, a major battleground state. On top of that, Sanders has usurped her as the Democrat frontrunner in New Hampshire, making him a significant threat to Clinton’s candidacy.
Interestingly, some commentators are noticing the role white voters have to play in this reversal of Hillary’s fortunes In fact, poll after poll indicates that whites who registered as Democrats are abandoning Secretary Clinton more than ever. This raises some serious questions: why are white Democrats deserting Hillary and where are they going?
Are they heading over to the Sanders campaign, or could they have gone somewhere else?
Turn to the next page to find out who white Democrats are turning to:
come on people, let’s not make Killary our president…she is untrustworthy