Beck’s Compelling Theory on Tashfeen Malik

The head covering, worn by Tashfeen Malik, the co-murderer alongside her Muslim husband Syed Farook, may very well have been the reason for the delay in the release of her photograph.  The Obama administration is doing everything in its power to keep the mass murderess, of 14 Americans, from being described as a “Muslim thing”and therefore delaying the release of more evidence that proves she was a jihadist benefits their narrative.

Glenn Beck theorized Friday morning about why the media have yet to obtain any images of San Bernardino, California, killer Tashfeen Malik, Syed Farook’s wife and co-conspirator, claiming, “for the first time ever, there’s not a single picture of somebody.”

Beck also brought up the fact that Obama had insulted Republicans over their legitimate concern of letting Syrian refugees into the United States, when he said Republicans are “scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America” yet now we have proof that Muslim women are equally capable of committing murder in the name of Allah.

“Well, now let me see, Mr. President, she seemed to be an immigrant,” Beck said. “She seemed to be an immigrant that was brought in under your administration through all of your screening practices. You just mocked us for being afraid of women and children and widows. Here’s a woman — what, are you afraid of a new bride?”

“It is a diseased ideology, and [Obama] won’t even admit it,” Beck concluded. “How long will it take before the media and the president … A, we get a picture of her? B, they actually do call it ‘Islamic terrorism’? C, they actually now start to stand on the fact that this was an ISIS strike in America?

Did Obama keep the media from sharing her photo?

Source:  The Blaze

Photo: screenshot, Fox59, San Bernardino



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