Beck: ‘Europe Is Gone’, World Headed Toward Global War

Glenn Beck Calls Out a Warning

Beck suggested that the world is marching towards a “global war” and posited that the U.S. will disappear unless there is strong leadership in the presidency and Congress to lead the nation, plus a focus on remembering the culture and the history of the country. The Left has also spent the last few decades deriding the history of the U.S. as a racist, hateful country interested only in wealth and nation building, rather than being the birth place of the Constitution, an economy that invites all to succeed, and offers freedoms unheard of in the history of the world.

During Beck’s stop in Sweden last week, he said that he observed the country is “being erased” because they are not being taught about their culture’s heritage, tradition and history. Instead, the Swedish culture is being overridden by Islamic tradition.

“They are being taught in their schools to raise Islam up while dismissing their own culture,” Beck said. “And maybe it takes somebody from the outside to see it. But as the sun rose up and I saw these churches and I saw these steeples and I saw the way these buildings were made, they were unbelievable.”

Beck believes the U.S. is following after Sweden, “teaching our children that there is no culture.” Beck also insisted that U.S. citizens remember their rights “come from God” and the “government can do nothing to infringe” on those rights.

“The government is not only infringing on those rights, they are denying those rights and denying the God that created those rights and then teaching our children that there is no culture,” Beck said. “There is nothing special. There is no God.There are no rights.”According to Beck, Americans must respect their culture, history and rights, because remembering those things is what will “take us safely home again.”

“Those are the things that we have in common, and those are the things that brought us here, and those are the things that are going to take us safely home again,” Beck concluded.

There are those that will find his words overly religious, overly sentimental, or even xenophobic, but for those who have been around for more than a few decades his observations have the ring of truth, and it is worth questioning if we are already at the point of no return. There seems to be no shortage of people, including citizens of this nation, who feel determined to “take this country down a notch or two.” But the fact that the U.S. continues to be the goal for those yearning to be free, the destination for so many who want an opportunity to be more, says that this nation can rise again, if only enough people have the will and the clarity of vision to know what might be in the future.





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