BBC: Throwing These Migrants Sandwiches Is Like The Nazi Concentration Camps

The clip, which is backed by an ominous sounding and emotionally manipulative soundtrack, is narrated by an activist named Klaus Kufner, who states, “It reminded me of a concentration camp.” The music doesn’t appear in the original video, suggesting it was deliberately added by the BBC.

What is not mentioned in the narration, which attempts to imply that migrants are being mistreated, is that several are seen walking up to police and taking sandwiches for themselves with no clamor or distress whatsoever. Several of the migrants in the clip can also be seen smiling.

While the BBC and other media outlets are keen to highlight videos of migrants apparently being mistreated, footage showing migrants in a negative light has been completely absent from television screens. Source: InfoWars

Source: Infowars

The deluge of trash and waste left behind by migrants, was highlighted by an RT report. It was also ignored by big media networks. Additionally, innumerable reports of violence wrought by the migrants against Europeans and their communities was jettisoned by the BBC.
Funded via mandatory TV licenses paid by UK citizens, the BBC has dispensed with any remaining sham of journalistic impartiality and is fully behind the move to flood Europe with millions of economic migrants who aren’t refugees. They are activists framing news coverage.
The BBC’s finds itself in violation of its own charter which states that the corporation must “ensure controversial subjects are treated with due impartiality.”



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