Barack Obama was supposed to be the first president in a post-racial America. We were supposed to vote for Barack Obama the candidate, not Barack Obama the African-American. His leadership was poised to put our nation’s checkered past with race behind us.
Then, he started to fail as a president — badly.
Soon, the left was pulling out the race card at every opportunity. If you voted Republican, you did so because you were racist. If you opposed Obamacare, you were a racist. If you questioned Barack Obama at any point, you did so because you were a racist.
These pathetic attacks have, until now, not originated from the president himself. Instead, he let the name calling be done by his comrades in congress.
Now, it looks as if he’s changing his tune. See what he said about whites who don’t support Black Lives Matter on the next page:
Jerry Deaton All of your comments show a severe lack of discernment…Quoting a fictitious character shows this…you may have followed,studied,researched,ect but understood and comprehended is what was lacking…your comments are nothing but the rantings of a severely Libtarded, delusional miscreant…. Your profile and alck of picture proves you are a Troll…and a stupid one at that…
EFF OFF…BLM is a very violent group of people funded by George Soros. Just evil.
If we considered the source this shouldn’t even be newsworthy
You will never see Americans support any hate group, be them white, black, yellow, or red, our country is made up of all colors, we are America, and we are sick of any hate groups, including BLM