The Bank of Ireland has decided to ban small withdrawals from personal accounts in order to control as much money as possible. With this new rule, they can subjugate people’s personal money to fees imposed by the bank itself.
This means that people are now being stripped of easy ways to control their own money in Ireland, as they have no choice but to let the Bank of Ireland hold their money, levy their fees, and control the cash flow into the hands of their account holders.
Such is another example of simple rights being taken away from citizens in order to better control what they can and cannot do, and necessitates that they be beholden to the will of big brother.
Sounds like the banks are about to start closing there doors and only credit cards will be used. More controll on the filthy rich that own the banks (Rowthchilds and such )
Our govt sees our take home pay as unrealized gains.
American.. can’t draw but two hundred a day from ATM {for your protection}…. recently tried to make a purchase for 3 grand over the internet… had to go through all kinds of red tape with the bank manger….to get the purchase approved…
Coming to America
okay… I’ll take $10 million!!! =D
which is why i do not use a bank.
In the U.S. its a withdrawal of $5,000 or more. zOur banks here have to report those withdrawals.