Public Opinion Poll: Clinton uncaring and untrustworthy.
That opens the door for Joe Biden.
Democrats, especially Hillary, live and die with the polling data. And the latest opinions compiled define her clearly in the latter category.
In a July 30 Quinnipiac poll, 57% of voters said Mrs. Clinton was not honest and trustworthy and 52 percent said she did not care about their needs or problems. The same poll showed Mr. Biden with his highest favorability rating — 49 percent — in seven years, with 58 percent saying he is honest and trustworthy and 57 percent saying he cares about them. But Mrs. Clinton’s numbers are still strong, especially among likely Democratic primary voters. Read more on the next page.
His head is in the clouds has no idea how to run a country!
The JOKER!I am the Bat man.
All he needs is a bag of candy, and a van.
Village idiot.
They put peanut butter on “Mr. Ed’s” lips and dubbed in a voice. They can put that on IDIOT biden’s lips and use “Elmer Fudd’s” voice. (No offense to the GREAT “Mr. Ed” or “Elmer Fudd”. )
Uncle JOE is NUTS