Attorney General Lynch: Charlotte Rioters Were Exercising Their Right to Peaceful Protest

You do not reduce violence by making excuses for criminal acts, or by claiming that the criminal activities of rioters are “painfully unclear.” And if you are the attorney general, you do not remonstrate looters and rioters as though they are mischievous schoolboys, just stirring up the playground. You refer to them as criminals, because that is what they are. You enforce the law.  You arrest those committing violence.  This is not difficult stuff to understand.

President Obama, Attorney General Lynch, and others of this misbegotten administration are not stupid people.  They know precisely what they are doing.  They have an agenda. And there are groups that have their explicit support.  Black Lives Matter is one of them. There are others.

This administration’s purpose is to force fundamental changes on an unwilling population. If downplaying violence and working at cross-purposes with those who risk their lives to protect the people of our communities serves their purposes, then that’s what we will get.

It’s a struggle to watch, but here’s a excerpt from our nation’s chief law enforcement officer.

Source:  Gateway Pundit



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