The Astonishing Cost of Importing Muslims

A low-skilled legal immigrant generally receives $4 of benefits for every $1 of taxes they contribute– this would apply to low-skilled refugees over time as well. No need for a calculator here, the numbers are overwhelming. Assuming that each migrant is predominantly low-skilled, each person would cost U.S. taxpayers $13,000 per year. The importation of 10,000 migrants, therefore, would result in a net cost (total benefits received minus total taxes paid) of $130 million per year.
This $6.5 billion expenditure over their lifetime to provide community services, education, health, welfare and retirement costs to 10,000 migrants comes in addition to the approximately $13.5 billion in foreign aid to Middle Eastern nations that United States taxpayers sent in 2013 alone.

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has said that the United States’ immigration policy needs to prioritize the national interests of its citizenry. “Look, from a humanitarian standpoint, I’d love to help. But we have our own problems. We have so many problems that we have to solve,” Trump declared on Wednesday night’s broadcast of Hannity.

Trump explained that Muslim countries should be willing to take in some of the Muslim migrants: “The Gulf states [are] tremendously wealthy. You have five groups of people, six groups, they’re not taking anybody. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, these are tremendously wealthy and powerful from the standpoint of money. They — they’re not taking anybody. Russia’s not taking. Nobody’s taking. [But we’re] supposed to take — we have to straighten out our own problems,” Trump said. Source: Breitbart

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has articulated a similar position. “No, we shouldn’t be taking on any more Syrian refugees right now,” Walker told reporters.
Note that Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham– all support expanding record high immigration rates. All have announced their willingness to accept the Syrian migrants. Keep that in mind as all this moves forward. Then entire story is here.





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