The high stakes-nature of this election cycle has made for some very strange bedfellows on both sides of the political aisle.
When WikiLeaks first emerged in the late 2000s/early 2010’s, the group was praised by liberals for exposing controversial materials and seemingly vindicating what they had been saying about the counterterrorism strategies of George W. Bush. As time went on and the group began to publish information that painted the Obama administration in an equally negative light however, progressives cooled in their attitudes towards Julian Assange and his fellow hackers.
Come 2016 though, and Democrats’ skepticism of WikiLeaks has morphed into outright hostility. Far from viewing them as the heroic whistleblowers they did just half a decade ago, they now accuse them of being malevolent actors in the pay of Russia who have been tasked with securing the election for Donald Trump. Such a scenario is absurd as it is, but becomes even more so when one considers Assange’s own take on the election.
See Assange talk about the presidential election on the next page:
Let’s prove him wrong make sure your vote for Trump counts!
The only way I see this is the electoral vote. We should have done something years ago when gore ran. The popular vote should stand everytime. We need to examine this as a nation. Only way to overcome this filled with corruption is to make sure trump gets in by a landslide. It’s true the upper 1% of our country have been ruling. If Trump played ball with them he would not had to fight on every front to push corruption and special interests away. We have to give trump our support.
I can completely believe the level of corruption in our government is now where an honest election is impossible. There is too much secrecy, too much deceit, too much money and power at stake and too many puppet masters who’ve bought too many politicians. This is the point in many earlier societies where revolution was the reset button.
One day more tomorro last day vote on tues or is or is it wed for democrats
Whats the deal now confused