Antifa Sucessfully Bullies Officials to Cancel Parade in Portland

Antifa is spiraling out of control and the deafening silence of the media on this issue speaks volumes to how this movement is being strategically orchestrated by Soros, the Deep State, and their gang of criminals to force a new globalist order onto uncompromising patriots.

“Someone—it’s unclear who—received an anonymous email from “[email protected]” telling parade organizers that if they allowed “Trump supporters and 3% militia” to march, “we will have two hundred or more people rush into the parade into the middle and drag and push those people out as we will not give one inch to groups who espouse hatred toward lgbt, immigrants, people of color or others.”

You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely. Let us know your decision by tuesday by emailing back. We will also wheatpaste fliers across the march route naming sponsors and holding them accountable for backing an event with this type of rhetoric which may endanger future parades ability to get sponsors. We will also begin emailing groups who are participating in the march to inform them you are allowing a group of bigots to march in the parade.”

Three alarming facts emerge from that email that requires the immediate attention of every patriot in America:

  • Antifa members are likely being protected by a powerful group inside the government, hence:
  • Trump supporters are being instructed to not stand up for themselves while the police are being ordered to stand down.
  • Non-partisan businesses and organizations will be targeted and destroyed if they stand up for free speech and refuse to comply with their violent Marxist agenda.

Tell me what conservative group could get away with this kind of terrorism and criminality:

The group threatened to stab Republicans.

They also have Trump assassination photos on their Facebook page.


Antifa is puppet group protected by the Deep State and their purpose is to start a civil war in America. Trump won the election. America chooses Trump over a globalist war mongering criminal and murder with the last name of Clinton. Patriots took their country back.

There is a reason the mainstream media is silent about Antifa members bashing in the skulls of Trump supporters with skateboards and metal poles. There is a sinister plot at play aiming to destroy democracy and install a new socialist global order. This is a fight for the future of America.

Source: Willamette Weekly , Gateway Pundit



  1. Anglo America

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