While this election will definitely go down as one of the most momentous in the nation’s history due to its surprising results, it will also be remembered for exposing the violent, venal core of the progressive left.
Ironically enough, the Democrats tried to pin their own intolerance on Donald Trump, accusing him and his supporters of encouraging violence and creating an unsafe environment for minorities. It was hoped that such outlandish claims would discredit the populist conservative but instead of falling for this narrative, the American people overwhelmingly cast their votes for Trump on election day, stunning the media and sending liberals into a towering rage.
Abandoning their earlier claims that “Love trumps hate”, progressives took to the streets and denounced not just Trump but anybody who had the audacity to vote for him as well. And if some of their number are to be believed, it may soon turn into more than denouncing.
Watch video of an anti-Trump protest on the next page:
The liberals are just pissed off because “Black Lives Matter” aren’t invited to the white house anymore for pizza and snacks.
Start with her, Obama and all The Clintons
The crime of seditious conspiracy is committed when two or more persons in any state or U.S. territory conspire to levy war against the U.S. government. A person commits the crime of advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government when she willfully advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government by force, publishes material that advocates the overthrow of the government by force, or organizes persons to overthrow the government by force. A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. States also maintain laws that punish similar advocacy and conspiracy against the state government.
We Americans are here to accommodate these assholes. Who wants to be first?
Brant G Haynes or Burger King , have it your way. Lol
Diane V Edelen Shewmaker and send the bill to the Clinton foundation.
Go ahead and drop dead.
I wonder when the democrats will just be a stupid memory?