The Answer to the National Debt May Be Right Under Our Feet

William Shughart, a former economist at the Federal Trade Commission and now Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, thinks the federal government should begin selling off its vast assets to pay off the debt. Of course, that would mean selling the land back to U.S citizens, not to foreign entities. As outlined by one constitutional lawyer in the video below, it is against our constitution for them to own all the land that they do anyway!

Right now the government owns 28% of the land mass of the United States, as well as all the mineral rights under that land.

The real treasure trove is not on federal lands … but underneath them, in the form of oil, gas and other mineral deposits both offshore and on.

Selling off rights to explore and access these oil, gas and other mineral deposits by itself could wipe out the national debt.”

Shughart has seen estimates of the value of those energy reserves ranging from $28 trillion up to $128 trillion.

He’s already been contacted by the Trump team to assess the feasibility of a structured sale of federal assets that would transfer a significant amount of land and energy reserves to the private sector.

In addition to reducing the debt, such a program could generate creation of many jobs and significant economic growth. It would move the United States closer to true energy independence. It also would shrink the size of the federal government by reducing the bureaucratic infrastructure needed to manage those land holdings.

As this constitutional lawyer so passionately outlines in the video below, the federal government cannot own all the land it currently lays claim to anyway!


Source: Financial Sense




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