American Muslim Leaders Threaten Trump

Trumpaphobia is real and creating quite a visceral reaction on the left and with CAIR.   American Muslim Alliance and CAIR threatened Trump and other Presidential candidates for speaking out against radical Islam and Muslims who are not joining the fight to stop its spread in America.

Mahdi Bray, the American Muslim Alliance director sternly warned, “Because we’re going to register our people and we’re going to use our ballot and we’re going to ‘take our souls to the polls and make sure you are out of there.”

Another spokesman for CAIR said, “We will remember in November.”

The real question of concern is do they remember 9/11 and San Bernardino, and if so, what are they doing as a community to help combat radical ideology?

The enemy is not a Presidential candidate that exercises his or her freedom of speech by discussing the evils of radical Islam and how to combat it; the enemy is the good man who does nothing and allows evil to triumph, to paraphrase Edmund Burke.

Source: Western Journalism



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