Former U.S. Congressman and retired LTC Allen West delivered an epic speech in which he tore Obama into shreds over his nuclear deal with Iran.
West delivered the incredible fiery speech to a crowd of around 10,000 at a “Stop Iran Deal Rally” event in New York City’s Times Square on Wednesday.
“I want President Obama to know one thing,” West said. “You may say that you have done something that no one else has done. You know why no one else has done it? Because it’s a damn stupid thing you just did.”
See Speech Following Page:
Our next president? I hope so. Allen West has the right ideas on how to fix what Obama and the Democrats and the liberals have broken!
#FeeltheBern & Adam @[22067606728:274:Allen West]
Wish he would run, he has the knowledge and backbone. Said that from the get go.
It was not a deal but a capitulation!
Impeach Obama at
Col. West is a hero to veterans, and BO is a traitor…..How many patriots actually agree with him?