Allen Obliterates CAIR: Read the Quran “Fight and Slay the Pagans Wherever Ye Find Them”

Allen West is not an uneducated deplorable racist destroying America’s future like the left likes to scream while running away from the terrifying truth of his message as fast as their little legs can carry them.

A CAIR spokesperson tried to publicly catch former Congressman West admitting there was no verse in the Quran encouraging Muslims to attack America.

CAIR: “Can you show me one verse in this Quran where it says it’s okay to attack America? Or attack Americans? Or attack innocent people?”

West: “Well of course it doesn’t say attack America or attack Americans. The book was written back y’know in 8th or 9th century. So America wasn’t even around to say attack America. But you do have the verse of the sword (Surah 9:5) that’s in there and there is talk of killing infidels. Look… “

CAIR: “Show me..”

West: “From 622 A.D….”

CAIR: “Congressman.. I’ve tried to have a..”

West: “It’s the truth. It’s out there. 622 A.D. on..”

628 A.D. Battle of the Trench 3000 Jewish people were slaughtered
732 A.D. Battle of the Tours. Charles Martel.
1571 A.D. Battle of Lepanto

How come any of this isn’t Islam?

Now from 610 to 622 A.D. Islam was a peaceful religion. The first half of it was Khadijah Muhammad’s 1st wife. But something happened when Muhammad enacted the Hijrah. And he left Mecca and went out to Medina. It (Islam) became violent. Now you explain it to me.

Major Hasan was shouting Allahu Akbar ( Fort Hood Massacre Nov. 5th 2009) The people that flew those planes were shooting Allahu Akbar (9/11 attacks Sept 11th 2011)

I’ve been on the battlefield my friend. Okay. Don’t try and blow sunshine up my butt and tell me.. (crowd cheers loudly)

CAIR: “Mr. West. May I respond. May I respond to you. Excuse me… I’m ashamed. I’m ashamed to be here with all of these people when you’ve attacked Islam.”

West: “You attacked us! You attacked us! Are you upset with the (blank) to defend ourselves. I went to Muslim countries to defend the freedom of Muslim people . Don’t come up here and try to criticize me. Put the microphone down and go home!”

Surah means chapter in Arabic. Surah 9:5 of the Quran reads as follows.

“fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them”

That is the infamous “sword verse” that has resulted in both the tragic deaths of innocent Christians and misguided radicals alike at the hands of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. Or so argues former Congressman West who is also arguably speaking the brave truth few can say in the midst of liberal censorship.



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