AG Sessions Refuses to Prosecute Hillary, Comey or Mueller

All of this immigration enforcement news is positive and all of it is something for which we elected Donald Trump and trusted his judgment in appointing Jeff Sessions as our new attorney general.

What this does not do, however, is answer the simple question as to why:

  1. Sessions recused himself from the Trump-Russia collusion investigation as his first official move after confirmed
  2. Sessions recused himself from investigations into Hillary Clinton crimes, including the email server scandal and the Clinton Foundation ties to foreign entities and a pay-for-play scheme
  3. Sessions recused himself from the Uranium One deal that transferred 1/5th of the country’s uranium to a Russian company and benefitted the Clintons financially
  4. Sessions recused himself from the Trump Dossier scandal that has now boomeranged back upon the Democrats and rocked both Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and Barack Hussein Obama

Within all of these recusals is a question of why.

Why didn’t Jeff Sessions believe that these were investigations worthy of his oversight or wisdom?  Does he somehow believe that he has no authority over these scenarios?  That’s not likely.  So what could be another possibility?

Is it possible that Sessions, while not personally involved in the scandals, or not having had a personal investment through financial paybacks, believes that the people involved had a right to enrich themselves at the expense of the American people?  Is it probable or feasible that Sessions, having been an Establishment guy for most of his adult life, actually believes that they are above the law and therefore, he won’t prosecute?

Is Jeff Sessions invoking the spirit of Pontius Pilate and washing his hands of the corruption by Establishment officials at the highest level?

Sadly, it would appear so.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a small group of lawmakers in late September he was recused from appointing a special counsel to look into potential corruption surrounding the Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS’s work on the Trump dossier, according to one of the lawmakers present.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that he and other House Judiciary Committee Republicans had met with Sessions at the Justice Department on September 28 in advance of an upcoming committee hearing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein later this month.

Gaetz said that when he asked Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the 2010 Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS, the attorney general stood up, said he could not discuss the matter because he had recused himself, and walked out of the room, leaving them with a group of Rosenstein staffers “who showed no interest.”

“He said that anything that had to do with 2016 election, or Russia, or the candidates in the 2016 election, fell under the scope of his recusal, and he left the room,” Gaetz said.

“It was Sessions’ position that his recusal on the Russia matter divorced him from any oversight on Uranium One and Fusion GPS. That’s troubling. Sessions’ recusal is a function of his involvement in the Trump campaign. In no world does that impact his judgment as it relates to Fusion GPS and Uranium One. But he views the recusal more broadly. That’s troubling because that puts Rosenstein in charge,” he said.

Gaetz said Rosenstein’s staffers provided “no answers” and “no timeline for answers.”

If nothing else, if this version of events in that meeting is accurate, it is a very disturbing development.  In the beginning of the Trump administration, directly after Sessions was confirmed and he immediately recused himself from the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, it was seen as a brave move by the FNIC, praising him for his forthrightness to not stand in the way of a very corrupt Trump administration.  After Comey was fired, the tone changed a bit to a feeling that even Sessions himself could no longer stand by Trump, knowing that he was so corrupt that he wouldn’t be able to shield himself from the fallout once the truth was known.

Of course, after a year of investigations and the first big indictments in the Mueller investigations, there is not one iota of evidence that suggests that the Trump administration did anything untoward in dealing with foreign entities.  However, there is an overwhelming mountain of evidence to suggest that Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and the DNC did!

In light of this, and Sessions’ apparent disinterest in seeking answers, it appears that we may not see any action on this from the Department of Justice that amounts to anything of substance, considering that his multitude of recusals add up to a net zero gain because the person to be naturally taking up the helm will be the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Rosenstein, as we all know, is not only a good friend of Mueller and the rest of the Establishment, but is an Obama holdover.  Special Counsel Robert Mueller apparently has no fear that his investigation will cross lines of impropriety or conflict of interest because Rosenstein is surely not going to call him on it.  And we already know that Sessions is cowering in the corner of his office, afraid of his own shadow, and awaiting patiently for someone to begin investigations in the House and Senate so that he will not have to do so!

Turn to the final page for the rest of the story, where our attorney general is calling for a reinstitution of the Bush-era Patriot Act that will give the Deep State all it requires to further break the law and thwart questions by Congress members who are seeking to find out all the answers to so many crimes by Swamp dwellers in Washington!

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