AG Lynch: We Will Prosecute Those Who Use ‘Anti-Muslim’ Speech That ‘Edges Toward Violence’

Muzzling free speech regarding a deep concern over Islamic ideology, if it “edges toward violence” is what Attorney General Loretta Lynch promised a group of Muslim’s assembled for the 10th anniversary of the Muslim Advocates. At no time did she raise concerns that this very community needed to take steps to stomp out radicalization, nor did she mourn the loss of 14 lives at the hands of a Muslim man and woman, but rather sided with this advocacy group and promised protection.

She said that “she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”  Just what does this obscure statement “edges toward violence” actually mean and how can one woman annihilate the First Amendment over what she would deem “anti-Muslim rhetoric”?

“Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric—or, as we saw after 9/11, violence directed at individuals who may not even be Muslims but perceived to be Muslims, and they will suffer just as much—when we see that we will take action,” said Lynch.

How many Muslims have been killed in America in order to make such promises of protection?  How many American’s have been killed by Muslims, here and abroad,  and yet an in-depth look into the driving force behind the ideology has been ignored by the left?

Lynch not only wants to remove our right to voice our concern about Islam, but also to utilize this tragedy to bolster her political agenda.

UPDATE: Loretta Lynch, at a press conference yesterday, termed the San Bernardino shootings a “wonderful opportunity” to change the nature of police work:

We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change.

This position certainly is out of the Obama blueprint for Change and the mantra to use any crisis to make that fundamental change.

The intentional kick to the gut, toward those who are grieving over the loss of loved one’s, is amoral and yet can we expect anything less from a President and his administration who hate America?

Source:  Daily Wire



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