Adios Boehner, Hola McCarthy?

First on the resignation of Boehner:

There has been pressure on Boehner ever since late 2012, when his “plan B” to avoid the “fiscal cliff” of tax hikes was rejected by the House Republican caucus. In the end, taxes were raised on the highest earners. A subsequent effort to unseat him in January 2013 fizzled, as did a similar attempt early this year. The main problem was the lack of a clear leader among House conservatives willing to challenge Boehner and risk losing a leadership fight.

As his support eroded, Boehner relied on votes from Democrats to pass legislation, bypassing the “Hastert rule,” a convention in which the Speaker seeks approval from a majority of Republicans before bringing measures to the floor.

McCarthy hails from Bakersfield, in the Central Valley, and was successful in business before entering politics.

Conservatives have one shot to get his replacement right.  With the looming budget crisis, the Speaker of the House must be able to really engage the Republicans and hold their feet to the fire.  So who is McCarthy?

As Politico reported last year, McCarthy is viewed as the “go-to” guy for Silicon Valley because he listens to the tech giants’ concerns “100 percent” of the time. Silicon Valley billionaires such as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg have lobbied for countless immigration expansion bills– including Marco Rubio’s new I-Squared bill, which would essentially lift the cap on university green cards, triple the number of guest workers admitted on H-1B visas, and substantially increase Muslim immigration into the country.
Radio host Mark Levin weighed in:

“These guys are such lightweights.” Levin declared. “We need true leaders. They have too much tied to Washington, too much tied to the Chamber of Commerce, corporatists and the donor class.”

“Those thirty or so Republicans( the House Freedom caucus) need to remain united” to elect a principled conservative leader who represents the interest of Republican voters, Levin explained. “Republicans could make a real difference now for the Party and for the country if we elect a Speaker or a Majority Leader who’s a conservative—such as Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) But he’s just one example.”

“We need leaders who are solid, who are intelligent, who are strategic, who are constitutionalists, who can bring in– not just the mainstay of the Party– but demonstrate to millions of us in the grassroots that the message has finally been received. [We need to see that] there is a serious effort—not just a PR effort—but a serious effort to try to govern and keep the President in check—that they are prepared to fight, prepared to show courage, and that they’re going to stop cutting deals with the inside the beltway crowd.”

Levin explained that House conservatives should not squander the opportunity this new leadership election affords them.

Source: Breitbart News

Source: Breitbart News-Mark Levin



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