Senate and House committees are after the emails, which they believe will reveal that Lerner was working with the Obama administration to target conservative and Tea Party groups.
Of course this woman was working for Obama when she committed these acts of treason, now she will likely be the ‘fall girl’ for our Tyrant In Chief as he will probably escape unscathed as usual.
really hope that their is something in there that will hang him.
They have had enough time to “clean things up”!
It doesn’t matter what they do, nobody will do anything but talk and cry like little babies just like you all do on these websites. YOU WON’T DO ANYTHING! ! !
the American people are just spineless whiners that will do nothing!!!
Let’s see what do the the people of this country have to give Thanks for today…
Oh yeah basically for selling out all the people that gave them all the rights by allowing this Terrorist regime to take over this country!!!
Let’s give thanks to the terrorist Obama regime taking over this country and the fall and decimation of this country as it once was!
It makes no difference what this lawless Terrorist Regime does in this country Anymore nobody has the balls or the backbone to do anything about it this country is a bunch of spineless cowards that are all about talking not about action.
The terrorists of this world deserve to have this country Anymore, because at least they’re doing something to get it, unlike the American Public and citizens who are doing nothing. and that goes doubled for the government officials that we keep putting in office to do something about this problem, that do nothing, they are even worse than the all talk all just whine about it cry babies of society that are on these web pages doing nothing but crying and talking s**t.
You, or I should say we as a people are all just a joke, take a look in the mirror once and see what you’re actually doing about the problem, not a damn thing!!!
Give Thanks for that today, and hopefully your kids will someday be able to thank you and be Proud of you for actually giving them something like freedom and rights and for the same things that you were able to give Thanks to our forefathers and your grandparents for what they gave you, don’t be the joke that sells out your kids future and gives them nothing to be thankful for because of your laziness and lack of willingness to stand up for their rights and their future.
And with that said, don’t look to me or others for the answers on how or what you should do about the problems in this country… look to yourself and think for Yourself on what you can do.
Give thanks today for the fact that you can still think for today at least and use that thought to be more productive, so that your kids have reasons to look in your face tomorrow and be thankful and have respect for what you’ve done for them.
Brian says:
“It doesn’t matter what they do, nobody will do anything but talk and cry like little babies just like you all do on these websites. YOU WON’T DO ANYTHING! ! !
the American people are just spineless whiners that will do nothing!!!
Let’s see what do the the people of this country have to give Thanks for today…
Oh yeah basically for selling out all the people that gave them all the rights by allowing this Terrorist regime to take over this country!!!
Let’s give thanks to the terrorist Obama regime taking over this country and the fall and decimation of this country as it once was!
It makes no difference what this lawless Terrorist Regime does in this country Anymore nobody has the balls or the backbone to do anything about it this country is a bunch of spineless cowards that are all about talking not about action.
The terrorists of this world deserve to have this country Anymore, because at least they’re doing something to get it, unlike the American Public and citizens who are doing nothing. and that goes doubled for the government officials that we keep putting in office to do something about this problem, that do nothing, they are even worse than the all talk all just whine about it cry babies of society that are on these web pages doing nothing but crying and talking $#%&!@*.
You, or I should say we as a people are all just a joke, take a look in the mirror once and see what you’re actually doing about the problem, not a damn thing!!!
Give Thanks for that today, and hopefully your kids will someday be able to thank you and be Proud of you for actually giving them something like freedom and rights and for the same things that you were able to give Thanks to our forefathers and your grandparents for what they gave you, don’t be the joke that sells out your kids future and gives them nothing to be thankful for because of your laziness and lack of willingness to stand up for their rights and their future.
And with that said, don’t look to me or others for the answers on how or what you should do about the problems in this country… look to yourself and think for Yourself on what you can do.
Give thanks today for the fact that you can still think for today at least and use that thought to be more productive, so that your kids have reasons to look in your face tomorrow and be thankful and have respect for what you’ve done for them.”
Obama is the Antichrist Mahdi King Assyrian – he is dealing with Psychotic Narcissistic Personality Disorder, his followers are mostly a collective Narcissism, all who deal with Narcissistic Personality Disorder – you can’t tell them anything
Cry out to JESUS CHRIST to save you, the Rapture and then comes the Great Tribulation – they have and are setting up their own personal Judgements
good!! now lets nail her ass & lock her up!!!!!!
Knew they weren’t lost, now put her in jail!
I hope they re DAMNING!
Yeah, nothing online or on our computers is ever REALLY lost. It just took the right person to find em.
Hopefully something will be done
Lord Jesus, I hope first off, put her ass in jail and second, the emails hopefully will have something incriminating on Ovomit…they are BOTH traitors