Hillary’s entire email saga has been a story of deception. That she had this crazy server set up at home to handle her emails had one purpose — to hide her activities. There is no other reasonable explanation. That her story changes as needed to adjust to the most recent revelations of misconduct is simply the latest chapter in a life that has been characterized by all that’s worst in American politics.
Judicial Watch, the conservative law firm that is pursuing Hillary’s nefarious activities with numerous lawsuits, appears about to be successful in prying 30 emails from the State Department related to Hillary and the Benghazi disaster. Obama’s State Department attorneys are stalling, as is expected, since he desperately needs a Hillary win in November in his attempt to establish a positive legacy.
All of this is obvious and would be recognized as such with devastating consequences except for some typical Clintonian legal maneuvers as well as help from Obama, his administration, and a supportive press that hates Donald Trump far more than it loves the truth.
It actually pains me to write about this stuff because the depths to which Mrs. Clinton will go to get elected have no apparent limits. And unless you belong to some sort of mindless “Hillary No Matter What” group, you are compelled to admit that she should not be anywhere near the Oval Office.
Change her party affiliation to Republican and there would not be enough hours in the day for CNN to condemn her actions and support every possible theory relating to her malfeasance.
But it does no good to sit and complain about the media. It is what it is. The question is, what are we going to do?
Obama has to be on them
Killarys supporters are sick fools , eat it up America
Why only 30? what these people do not realize since Hillary worked as one of our official paid officials in OUR government. The people own her and her emails along with the rest of the government officials and nothing about them or their official business is private at all. We own it, especially when we paid them to do a service that was not done properly that resulted in our fellow citizens being killed by their inept ability or their anti-American mind set of corruption that resulted in the death of our fellow citizens. We too have a right to see what those emails hold and are with-holding especially since we also paid for the equipment to send those emails and her salary.. She should not be able to be campaigning for the Presidency with this anti-American behavior pattern that is looming and has been looming for 4 years.
Well they want her in office what makes them think she will save them. They will be on the kill list like the rest of us. All her rich friend don’t think she won’t sell them down the river hahaha they will be on the same list as the rest of us unless they pay her lots of money. That is all she cares about any way.
wikileaks confirmed that killer Clinton and Barack binloden supplied the terrorist group and formed i.s.i.s.
Go President Trump!
Everyone knows she and Obama conspired to cover up the Benghazi attack because American weapons ended up in the hands of terrorists. Did this happen accidentally or was it planned? This information has yet to be leaked, but I sure wish it would be. Go Trump!
Remember Trump came on the Sean Hannity show and stated, “Wages Are Too High!” While u guys are crying about middle income haven’t gone up….. Trump’s saying it’s too high! Now how many people think they’re OVERPAID?