1985 Video of Bernie Sanders Reveals Who He REALLY Is

Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders is having a rough time recovering from last week’s debate. This new video may put the finishing nails in his political coffin. Or may very well strengthen the resolve of his ignorant supporters.

This video, discovered by CNS news, shows Bernie Sanders praising Fidel Castro’s communist regime, which is notorious for its genocidal and oppressive tactics.

Bernie Sanders says that:

“You may recall way back in, what was it, 1961, they invaded Cuba. And everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world, that all the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated kids, gave them healthcare, totally transformed the society…”

Source: Western Journalism

Sound familiar? Free healthcare, free education, complete societal redistribution of wealth and success? Sanders hasn’t changed his position once in thirty years and political ideologies like his have infected the Democratic party, turning the 2016 election into a clash of morals. Whose side will you be on?




  1. Captcorajus
  2. Rebecca Gavin
  3. hobodobo
  4. Krist
  5. Sara
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