It seems the progressive left is renewing its efforts to deprive Americans of their right to defend themselves by making it easier for authorities to confiscate their firearms.
11 states are currently considering measures that would empower judges to bar citizens from owning guns if they determine the citizen in question poses a “threat” to themselves or others. The proposed measures, called Gun Violence Restraining Order, will permit police to raid homes and seize people’s firearms without so much as informing them and prohibit targeted individuals from purchasing guns and ammo.
Check to see if your state is on the list on the next page:
Nazi Germany?
Citizens of 11 states considering shooting gun confiscators ‘without notice’
That’s brave talk when facing a multitude of armed Nazi like rulers. ? is it worth your life?, this isn’t the 1700’s, and if so to what end? Absolute power corrupts absolutely, alternatives would be to just give everything you own to the government when it will taken by force anyway, and learn the” goosestep” At 70 + yrs old I suppose I could take of my shoe to defend myself/family, the more people that die will add more money to the coffers in government as they won’t be collecting their well earned Social Security checks, to buy more $30 million rockets to fly to the moon and planets when we can’t even fix our own planet/country. Can’t get along with other races, dismiss the injustices being done to the homeless, and overpowering & killing citizens for minor crimes (if found guilty, oops too late they are already dead and is being called “resistance” . Pray I never have to use mine up until the time when my family is attacked and all I have is a long wait after dialing for help, Gangs taking over area nothing done, killings by criminal’s over a mere pittance of reward or gang requirement, yeah its a perfect world & by God we are all doing our best to destroy it from nearly every country.