Senator Unveils List of Vetted Refugees, Now Charged With Terrorism

Senator Unveils List of Vetted Refugees, Now Charged With Terrorism

A U.S. Senator has heard enough about how the 10,000 Syrian immigrants the United States anticipates it will accept will be thoroughly vetted, despite assurances by the Obama Administration that they are peaceful refugees that represent no security threat, and is speaking out.

Republican Senator from Alabama Jeff Sessions has released a list of 12 refugees who have gone through the vetting process, but ended up attempting — or succeeding at — jihad here in America.

While the administrations attempts to push the narrative that conservatives are vastly overstating the threat his refugees would bring to the United States, this list proves otherwise.

As the story has been for the past few weeks, Obama is seemingly ignoring these facts in order to push his plan forward to accept even more from the war torn region.

To see more about Sessions’ list, continue reading on page 2:

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