Video: CBS ‘Manipulated Coloring’ to Make Steve Bannon ‘Look Bad’

CBS underestimated Stephen K. Bannon. How else can you explain their decision to send Charlie Rose out to take down one the sharpest modern proponents of economic nationalism?

The unedited interview was bad news for not only CBS, but liberals across the board. That is why executives decided to bank on their viewers belonging to the lowest common denominator and digitally alter Bannon’s appearance.

Acclaimed photographer Peter Duke created a short video outlying how clear it is to any media professional that CBS altered the color saturation to give Bannon the appearance of being a monstrous drunk.

In the video, Duke explains how CBS color adjusted Bannon’s shots to make his eyes and lips red by increasing the level of saturation. This results in curtains that are a brighter orange behind Bannon than they are in Charlie Rose’s shot. Rose’s shot was made “cooler,”to make the host’s make-up more subtle.

Duke then adjusted the interview’s lighting, removing Bannon’s redness and Rose’s “coolness.”

“It seems like 60 minutes would like you to listen less and look more at Steve Bannon. By subtly tweaking the color of the video, they make him look like a bleary-eyed drunk. I show you how they did it,” writes Duke on the video’s YouTube page.

Here is the video! Scroll down to view the transcription.

Here is the transcription!

DUKE: I wanted to talk a little bit today about color correction and grading, and how it can be used to make people look better or worse on television. This is a still frame of Steve Bannon from the 60 Minutes interview that’s going to run tonight. And the first things that I noticed was that there were red circles around his eyes and his lips looked cherry red. And I also noticed the curtains in the background looked really orange.

Now I’ve met Steve Bannon and I know what he looks like. He’s Irish and he does kinda have paper skin. But, he doesn’t have pronounced red circles around his eyes. That’s not who he is in real life. So I started comparing the two shots of Charlie Rose and Steve Bannon to see what kind of differences I could find, and it was very interesting. The first thing that you need to take a look at is the coloring saturation. Those drapes in the Breitbart Embassy are actually the same color. Now the light lighting them might be slightly closer or farther away, which accounts for the brightness, but they are the same color. And you can see from these two shots that they are defiantly not the same color.

If you take a look at Charlie Rose’s shirt, it’s about 13 unit of blue from neutral, which means that they’ve graded it into a cooler shot. That does a couple of things. It makes his make-up look less clownish and it also knocks down the contrast a little bit. So, I’m going to do the same thing to Steve. I’m going to make it a little bit bluer and I’m also going to lighten up the shadows a little bit. And Voila, the blood shot eyes are gone.

Now I’m going to do to Charlie what they did to Steve. I’m going to kick up the situation, the red, the orange, and i’m going to increase the contrast. So here are the two shots before and after, before and after. And here’s what the pictures would look like if they were graded similarly. Steve doesn’t have red circles under his eyes, Charlie’s make-up is subtle, can’t really tell he’s got it on, unless you’re looking. And Steve doesn’t look like the monster they want you to think that he is.  

CBS is despicable. If anything coming out of the mouths of anyone at that network spoke anything of truth or merit they would not be forced to use backhanded tactics to smear the names of good men.

How dare they paint Bannon out to be a bleary eyed drunk? How are they not concerned that their sheep are that vapid and shallow? What kind of world are they really going to produce with their vision?

Steve Bannon is a good honest man who is incredibly passionate about his vision for this country. It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree, you should treat people with respect, within reason. I happen to personally agree with the policies of economic nationalism. But, that is beside the point. I would be equally disgusted if I were to find out Breitbart edited Charlie Rose in a similar manner. As it would signify the end of a reputable journalistic platform that I enjoy. But we all know Charlie Rose or any other bought and paid for globalist shrill would never head on over to Breitbart. The Fake News Industrial Complex seems to suffer from the delusion that actual journalism is contagious.

Source: Gateway Pundit



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