Taylor: Military Tribunals Beginning Soon to Takedown Deep State Cabal

Will military tribunals soon be initiated to take down the criminals and traitors within the U.S. government? That is the claim of Mark Taylor, author of the book “The Trump Prophecies,” which is being made into a movie by Liberty University. Taylor claims that in 2011 God told him that Donald Trump would become president. Taylor has since predicted that Trump will win a second term.

In a recent interview with USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter, Taylor claims that military tribunals will soon commence.

Author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” Mark Taylor says what is going on is all a setup for the coming military tribunals, which Taylor gave a prophecy for right after Donald Trump was elected in 2016. Taylor says the tribunals will be for “the evil people” of the failed coup of President Trump. Taylor also says, “If you notice, one of Hillary Clinton’s tweets is if Kavanaugh gets in, he’s going to gut Roe v. Wade. They are disguising it under Roe v. Wade. This has nothing to do with Roe v. Wade right now for the cabal or the Deep State. This has everything to do with military tribunals. They know it. They will be charged for treason, and some of them may be executed. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. . . . This is not just about America. People have to understand this is a global thing that God is exposing. God gave these prophecies to me back in 2011. He was talking about how he would expose the cabal, the Illuminati and the elites. God is going to take them down–period. He is cleaning out the corruption, and this is global. . . . This is a global network, and it is going to take time to take all of this down. God is going to handle it. He’s already spoken. How we get there step by step, I don’t know. I get questions like this all the time.”

Move to the last page for the video interview.




  1. Gary Ford
  2. Pamela Holsing

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