The Squad Leads Resistance Movement to Spearhead Kavanaugh Impeachment

In case you might believe that the Left has calmed down in its frenzy to impeach Donald Trump, just remember that the Democrats are being torn in many different directions at once because of this president.  Ted Cruz notably remarked last week that “Donald Trump has broken the Democrat Party,” and he was absolutely correct.  Not only has Trump forced the Democrats into a hunkering-down defensive position since his announcement from the escalator, but he has also made it quite impossible for the Left to focus on any one issue in order to beat back the Orange Ogre in the White House.

Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, Democrats owned the Republican Party, forcing members of both Congressional Houses on the GOP side to fetch their lattes and bring them to their weak, knobby knees in obeisance to Progressive doctrine, for if they did not, the DNC-run Fake News Media would demolish them with a well-placed article of destruction or a demoralizing video clip or sound bite.

Donald Trump has singlehandedly shattered the ability of the Left to do this effectively any longer.  For as long as the Democrat Party has had near-absolute power in the federal government level, they have held the Republicans to their standards…far-Left ideology that was once considered too far Left for Democrat rock stars like John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.  Trump has managed to create such a firestorm of diversion merely with his tweeting that the Left has not been able to focus for even a few hours in order to mount a feasible comeback.  In fact, his mere presence in the White House has caused every single 2020 candidate to lurch so far to the Left that their group photo only shows Andrew Yang’s ankle!

The Resistance has been tirelessly attempting to delegitimize this presidency through so many dark money tentacle organizations and front companies that it may have even lost sight of its objectives.  It’s as if the Open Society Foundation is now eating the tail end of!  When the Beto O’Rourkes of the modern-day Democrat Party are being back-bitten by the Chuck Schumers of the old Establishment, you know that the wheels have come off this Socialist train…which has suddenly caught fire.

The Squad has been quiet on the Presley end of things lately.  Ever since their hastily called press conference about a month ago, the Representative from the Bay State of Massachusetts, she has been rather diminutive in her criticisms of the Trump administration.  But, true to form for a card-carrying, dyed-in-the-wool member of the Resistance (raise a fist) Presley has come out of her torpor for a bit of name-calling and shouts of misogyny aimed at further polluting the political waters.

Big League Politics:

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a member of the far-left “Squad” of Democratic freshmen representatives, is leading the Congressional effort to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh over specious charges that he committed sexual assault many decades ago.

“Sexual predators do not deserve a seat on the nation’s highest court and Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process set a dangerous precedent,” Pressley said in a statement. “We must demand justice for survivors and hold Kavanaugh accountable for his actions.”

Pressley’s proposed resolution would allow Congress to levy subpoenas and request affidavits and depositions to build a case for a formal impeachment inquiry against Kavanaugh.

“I believe Christine Blasey Ford. I believe Deborah Ramirez. It is our responsibility to collectively affirm the dignity and humanity of survivors,” Pressley said.

You may recall that it was a short two years ago when the DNC-controlled Fake News Media had become absolutely apoplectic when President Trump had suggested that he did not trust the word of the United States intel community because of the many instances of bias on their part against him, as evidenced by thousands of documents, proving that he had every reason to mistrust the very people who were in charge of a witch hunt that sought to delegitimize and punish him for having committed the crime of defeating Hillary Clinton.

Today, those same people that had roasted the president for his distrust of the intel community now stand in solidarity with Trump’s former opinion, stating that the two FBI investigations into Kavanaugh accusations are not to be trusted or believed!

The impetus to impeach Kavanaugh has renewed following an New York Times article re-hashing the same allegations that failed to stop him from getting confirmed almost a year ago. They published an excerpt from a new book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation,” featuring a bombshell from Max Stier, a Clinton attorney, who claimed he saw Kavanaugh drop his pants and assault a woman at a Yale University party.

The woman who was supposedly assaulted has refused to comment on the matter, and her friends say she does not remember the alleged attack. These details were omitted from the article.

Turn to the next page to read about the scandals swirling around the Democrat Party that are being summarily dismissed in order for the very narrow-minded Squad to focus only on scurrilous and unproven accusations about Justice Kavanaugh!



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