Revealed: Obama Admin Deleted 500,000 “Fugitives” from Background Check Database

Revealed: Obama Admin Deleted 500,000 “Fugitives” from Background Check Database

It would be a strange world indeed where a liberal such as Mr. Obama actually did something that made it easier for those with criminal convictions to acquire guns. He and allies such as Dianne Feinstein and most of the Democratic caucus have virulently pursued their goals of neutering the Second Amendment and depriving Americans of their right to own firearms.

In fact, this is a litmus test for being a Democrat in America. That, along with being pro-choice on the abortion issue. Prominent Democrats have shown great disdain for any of their colleagues who deviate from such dogma.

So, there’s a problem. It turns out that Mr. Obama’s administration did indeed order a half-million fugitives deleted from the national background check system.

How could such an improbable event occur? More on page two.

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  1. Jake Sherwood
  2. Craig Bennett
  3. Craig Bennett
  4. Jake Sherwood
  5. Craig Bennett
  6. Connie Williams

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