Obamacare Crisis so bad pregnant woman must faint on cue to distract audience.

Obamacare Crisis so bad pregnant woman must faint on cue to distract audience.

It’s easy to tell when Obama feels the need for a little extra ego boost or smoke & mirrors distraction at one of his speeches. Just watch for the fainting woman. With his approval ratings plummeting, the president gave a speech at the Rose Garden on Monday regarding widespread problems with sign-ups on the ObamaCare website. Fortunately, staff was able to arrange to have a pregnant woman on hand to become faint.

Check out this video showing the cues leading up to the convenient distraction:

The ‘fainting woman trick’ is nothing new at Obama’s speeches, as we can see in this video compilation, “Obama’s Fainting Women Traveling Circus Act”:

Source: YouTube
Photo: YouTube


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