Obama Sets Up “Shadow Government” in Washington, DC to Undermine Trump Administration

When a president leaves office it is customary to show his successor the courtesy of allowing him to pursue the agenda on which he was elected without interference  That doesn’t mean the retiring president has to support him or his programs, but he does not engage in deliberate acts to criticize or sabotage his successor.

With Mr. Obama, this is not going to be the case.  So incensed his Obama at Mr. Trump’s victory, and so vindictive is his spirit, that he has set up offices in Washington from which staffers such as Valerie Jarrett can launch attacks on the new administration.  This is unprecedented and demonstrates Mr. Obama’s pathetic infatuation with his own pitiful legacy.

So from Mr. Obama, we can expect a string of media interviews organized by staff members to oppose Mr. Trump at every possible opportunity.  It is as though Obama has set up a “shadow government,” the purpose of which is to torpedo Donald Trump’s presidency.

Equally tragic is that we will no doubt find the compliant mainstream media eager to lend support to Mr. Obama’s plan.  It’s disgusting, and is a rallying call for those who have supported Mr. Trump to come to his defense at every possible opportunity.

Source:  Fox News

Now, we have one Ex-CIA official stating that this shadow government is the cause of Flynn’s resignation:



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