Memo Reveals ‘Rosenstein and Mueller Colluded to Break the Law’

Mr. Mueller’s investigation resembles the proverbial “Seven Year Itch” more than anything else. It just won’t go away and remains an irritation that doesn’t kill you, but certainly makes life miserable and distracts you from more productive pursuits.

It’s long past time for Mueller and his team of Hillary apologist lawyers to either put up or shut up. There is no justification for a permanent legal team investigating the president. Did he commit any illegal acts that might lead to impeachment? Then say so. If not, do the same thing. Either way, let there be an end — unless, of course, Mueller has other motives or just wants to be a permanent fixture in Washington.

Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and there is a detail in a memo that just appeared that puts neither of those men in a good light. More on page two.




  1. Pam
  2. T
  3. Jack
  4. Jonathan delPozo
  5. Lorine Shannon
  6. Tim Thompson
  7. Arlene
  8. 1

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