Hillary Actually Takes a Position on Gun Control

Hillary Actually Takes a Position on Gun Control

Watch out, Bernie Sanders! Hillary Clinton has decided on a position on an issue Americans care about: Gun Control. Not only is she in favor of tougher controls, she has also vowed to fight the NRA. Is this a gutsy move by Clinton or just a reaction to Sanders’ recent expressions of his surprisingly more conservative (for a socialist) position?

The Washington Post reported:

In her standard stump speech, Hillary Rodham Clinton talks about fighting income inequality, celebrating court rulings on gay marriage and health care, and, since the Emanuel AME Church massacre, toughening the nation’s gun laws.

That last component marks an important evolution in presidential politics. For at least the past several decades, Democrats seeking national office have often been timid on the issue of guns for fear of alienating firearms owners. In 2008, after Barack Obama took heat for his gaffe about people who “cling to guns or religion,” he rarely mentioned guns again — neither that year nor in his 2012 reelection campaign.

But in a sign that the political environment on guns has shifted in the wake of recent mass shootings — and of Clinton’s determination to stake out liberal ground in her primary race against insurgent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — Clinton is not only initiating a debate about gun control but also vowing to fight the National Rifle Association.

So this is what she put forward as her current position, but what does her history tell us about what she actually supports? Find out after the break:

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