Highly Decorated Fire Captain: CA Fires Result of Directed Energy Weapons

The cause of the wildfires in CA over the last few years reportedly still “officially” a mystery to firefighting officials and law enforcement isn’t a mystery at all, according to highly decorated CA firefighting official and Navy veteran, Captain John Lord, the cause is likely right there before our very eyes.

This is the perspective of a man with 30+ years fighting wildfires. In addition to being the man who literally wrote the course on Building Construction for Firefighting Protection which is now the standard practice for the State of California. As well as an instructor of 25 years with the Fire Technology Program.

  • 80-mile winds out of nowhere
  • 3,000 degree temperatures
  • Took out 47 hundred homes

Those are not normal variables in CA wildfires!

Watch the video to find out the truth that is being hidden from the general public at large by unscrupulous globalist monsters.

They are using directed energy weapons. Check out the proof given by this fire expert.




  1. David
  2. Unknown
  3. L

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