Gov. Abbott: ‘Soros Helping Obama Buy Way Back Into Power’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is not playing games. Soros and Obama are an ongoing threat to our democracy.

As Gov Abbott warns,

“Liberals are trying to mess with Texas. And they don’t plan on stopping there.”

Democrats are in bad shape. But, they have a plan. Pour millions upon millions of dollars into state and local elections. A ground-up approach to take back America for the New World Order.

With the help of hedge fund billionaire George Soros, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee hopes to wrest control from voters of congressional re-districting in 2021 when booming conservative states such as Texas will gain seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. All for the benefit of their special-interest donors.

That the first fundraisers for this self-described “super group” were held in San Francisco and Los Angeles reveals one of their goals: to reinstate Rep. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. But they aren’t stopping there.

Headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder, the tax-exempt 527 political action committee plans a three-pronged attack to flood state-level races with outside money, to leverage activist courts to wrest control of state redistricting plans, and finally, with the formidable community organizing prowess of former President Barack Obama, to fund astroturfed ballot initiatives in the guise of “fairness.”

How is this all going to work? Let’s do the math.

Under Jackass reign, the tremulous 8 years that was Barack Hussein Obama, Democrats lost 12 governorships, nine Senate seats, 62 House seats, and OVER 900 legislative seats.

Most of the times the backlash against the party of the sitting president results in the opposing political party gaining a nationwide majority.

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  1. Richard B MacCarthy
  2. Nancy Greene
  3. Charles LeGrand
  4. Beckie Whitlow
  5. Scott leard

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