Gallup Poll Reveals Exactly How Important Americans Consider ‘Situation With Russia’ to Be

Gallup Poll Reveals Exactly How Important Americans Consider ‘Situation With Russia’ to Be

If one were to judge the importance of the Russian investigation based on the coverage by the mainstream media, it would appear to be the biggest crisis in the history of the world.

Judging it by the percentage of Americans that consider it to be a top problem for the country, however, makes one wonder just how many liberals are actually left out there.

The meeting President Trump had with President Putin was met with much vitriol from the swamp and their advocates.

Former CIA director and Deep State Dignitary called the conference “nothing short of treasonous.”

“The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” RINO John McCain said in a statement.

Yes, the world has truly ended. Well, at least it has for those in and around the marsh.

Turn the page to find out how much importance regular Americans place on the Russia investigation.

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