Donald Trump Weighs Repealing or Amending Obamacare

After meeting with President Obama for the first time, President-Elect Trump talked to the Wall Street Journal about Obamacare. Explaining how he views the issue, he said that he still wants to repeal the program, but is considering keeping parts of it and wants to wait until his administration devises a replacement before they begin rolling back Obamacare, a sentiment echoed by his former primary rival and possible administration appointee Ben Carson:

“Throughout both his primary and general election campaigns, Trump promised voters he would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and stressed to WSJ the need to act ‘quickly’ to achieve that end.

Still, Trump hinted he might be open to amending Obamacare instead of pushing an outright repeal.

He explained he likes two provisions ‘very much’ and would like to keep them if possible.

According to WJS, Trump ‘favors keeping the prohibition against insurers denying coverage because of patients’ existing conditions, and a provision that allows parents to provide years of additional coverage for children on their insurance policies.’”

Source: The Daily Caller

Here’s a preview of his 60 Minutes appearance slated for 11/13/16 with his family. In the interview he will get into more detail regarding where he stands:



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