Democrats’ Real Impeachment Strategy Unmasked

The whole reasoning behind the recess was to allow Democratic House members to go back to their homes and explain the calls for impeachment that would be safest for each member involved.  Pelosi had to know that this question about the recess would inevitably be brought up, so why would she still call for the break?  It is about allowing the few Moderate members to deny having anything to do with impeachment while they’re back home in their very Red Trump districts answering questions from angry or frustrated Republicans.

Simultaneously, it allows the frothing-at-the-mouth far-Left Progressive base, led by the Squad and their calls for impeachment, to be satisfied that, finally, something is being done to “impeach the motherf*cker,” as Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib so eloquently put it.  In the meantime, while the Democrat House members are placating their constituents, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and Lawfare (a group hired specifically to draw up the secret impeachment strategy) will be compiling and drawing up Articles of Impeachment.

How this will work is quite simple:

  1.  Begin the flurry of impeachment inquiry subpoenas.  Cast a wide net to include all Trump administration officials, especially those involved with the “investigation of the investigators” probe.  Draw the officials back to the Swamp by demanding testimony and threatening contempt and/or imprisonment.
  2.   Hillary Clinton goads the president with a multitude of interviews insulting Trump’s integrity, performance, foreign policy finesse and intelligence, knowing that the president will spend the time to hit her back.
  3.   During the recess to calm the masses who were in a frenzy calling for Trump’s impeachment and assuring them that it’s underway, Articles of Impeachment are fully drawn up without a single word of input or debate by the GOP caucus.
  4.   As the recess comes to an end, and the subpoenas have continued to be launched in all directions willy-nilly, a hastily called full House floor vote will be initiated for the Impeachment Proceedings to begin and, lo and behold, upon winning the chance to go forward (with enough Moderate Dems able to vote “no” as a show of how this was a bi-partisan effort on the side of the Democrats) the Articles of Impeachment, which have already been completely authored during recess, will be advanced.  Not a single debate by Republicans will have been offered and this will have achieved stage one of this strategy.
  5.   Stage two begins with attempting to get a handful or more of GOP senators to go along with the ruse in order to advance the intimation among potential Trump voters that if Republican senators are even voting to impeach the president, there MUST be some sort of criminality in the White House.

Mission accomplished.

The Senate will most likely never vote to impeach.  Pelosi’s great deception will die in the Senate, but the bigger part of the strategy will have most likely succeeded.  A large portion of Democrats who were seriously considering voting for Donald Trump because of economic outlook (dining room table issues) would now be dissuaded.  Also, a large portion of Independents/Undeclared/Unaffiliated voters who were maybe on the fence about Trump would also abandon that post.  If enough potential pick-up of voters is diminished or even peeled off to join the Democrat rolls, then this effort was worth the cost.  Even if the Democrat House majority is lost to the GOP, which is my prediction.

Reelection depends on many things.  One of those things is a stronger showing for the president this time around than in 2016, because mark my words, the Democrats will be tripling down on their efforts for a stronger showing in 2020.  Also, the circus of the impeachment process, along with the besmirching of the president, can have a deadening effect upon the ultimate conclusions of a Barr-Durham-Horowitz trifecta report that is terrifyingly damaging to a large swath of corrupt individuals.  Many might look at this report in the aftermath of the impeachment three-ring show with nonchalant indifference.

There is also a slight and far-fetched possibility that the Senate would actually vote for impeachment, but ultimately not for indictment and removal.  If that happens, the implications could be subversively devastating to the GOP, possibly leading to a mass exodus of the Republican voting base or just not bothering to show up at the polls.  In either case, that could result in a Democrat Congress once again, in essence hamstringing the president from any significant legislative achievements for his second term.  And that’s when this lame-duck president becomes the target of so many House and Senate investigations and hearings that Americans may just give up completely on the notion of an outsider in the White House ever again.  Which, of course, would be a win-win scenario for the Establishmentariat ruling class and the Fake News Media.

Perhaps (and this is just another aside) perhaps the GOP would prefer it this way.  Let’s be honest, they like nothing better than to be the handmaidens of the Democrats and throw their hands up in frustration, explaining to their constituents “Well, if only we had the Senate…”  Then when they get the Senate, “Well, if only we had the House…”  Then when they get the House, “Yeah, but we also need the Presidency…”  Then they’re handed that and STILL, they do nothing. The GOP love not being in charge.  They get paid, do nothing, claim that their hands are tied, and take all the blame by the Democrats and their lapdog Fake News buddies who say, “The GOP is the party of nothing!” They love fetching lattes for the Libs and pretending to care for the underprivileged.  Maybe that’s their ultimate goal.  To not be in the majority anymore. Back to the good old days of Tip O’Neill and the Dems having a monopoly on Congressional power for decades so that they can lay back, complain about the manacles about their wrists, and smoke and joke all the way to the bank.

One thing is certain, though.  The Democrats DO want to be in charge.  And they’ll do ANYTHING to get there.

Source:  Fox News Channel



  1. Jake Sherwood
  2. Jake Sherwood
  3. Linda Berry

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