China Preps for Crisis on Korean Peninsula

China Preps for Crisis on Korean Peninsula

As North Korea ramps up its long-range missile development and tensions grow with South Korea and the United States, Chinese leaders are casting a wary eye at possible crises coming out of the Korean peninsula.

China has an 880-mile border with North Korea that it must further secure to contend with a range of potential troubles, according to government officials.

Actually, China has been anticipating this situation for some time and began preparations long ago. Considering the Korean War that enveloped the peninsula in the late 1940s and early 1950s, the Chinese actions are totally predictable.

What differs now are the various technological options the Chinese can employ as well as an American administration that’s showing little or no tolerance for North Korean belligerence, and is prevailing upon Chinese leaders to use their influence to rein in North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

Find out exactly what preparations the Chinese are implementing and how those actions could influence U.S. policy toward North Korea moving forward. On the next page, learn the options the U.S. might pursue and how the Chinese might respond.

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