Canada Enacts Anti-Christian Law That Makes Companies Accomplices

On the road to perdition, there are many ways in which you continue to shed pieces of your soul.  Progressivism is like this when you consider all the differences between the person of faith and the person of flesh.

The Left continues to tell us that Pro-Choice means that you have a choice, when in fact there is but one choice: the murder of children.  No one who has a Pro-Choice stance ever says, “You know what?  Today, I choose…life!”  There’s already a place for those who choose life.  So, what is left but to choose the alternative.

The Pro-Choice moniker is but another way for the Left to confuse the issue, muddy the waters, and put forth the perception of fairness, balance and tolerance, when it is just exactly the opposite.

Is there fairness when an abortion doctor inserts a long stainless steel needle into the back of the baby’s skull in order to literally suck out the brain of the child, instantly killing it with no more emotion or feeling than in stepping on an ant?

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