Bolivian president to sue Obama for crimes against humanity

Bolivian president to sue Obama for crimes against humanity

One South American president is doing what our own government has failed to do: take action against our treacherous president.

“I would like to announce that we are preparing a lawsuit against Barack Obama to condemn him for crimes against humanity,” said President Morales at a press conference in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz. He branded the US president as a “criminal” who violates international law.

The Bolivian president has suggested that the members of CELAC withdraw their ambassadors from the US to send a message to the Obama Administration. As an additional measure he will call on the member nations of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas to boycott the next meeting of the UN. Members of the Alliance include Antigua and Barbuda, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Saint Lucia. ”

Get in line President Morales. Or rather, start one!


Photo: AFP Photo / Filippo Monteforte


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