Barack Obama Dubs Himself ‘The Father of the Tea Party’

Barack Obama thinks that everything is about him — even things he dislikes. Despite the fact that Obama and the Tea Party have spent the last eight years in opposition, Obama still likes to think of himself as the “father” of the movement.

In an interview with Obama, George Stephanoplous quoted Clare Boothe Luce’s belief that, “the greater the man, the easier it is to describe him in a single sentence.” Stephanopolous then asked what Obama’s answer sentence would be. His answer was telling:

“I… I… I… I… I’d like to… think that maybe the sentence is.. uh… President Obama… uhh… Believed deeply in this democracy…”

Apparently, it wasn’t very easy. So Obama tried again. This time, he claimed to be “the father of the tea party,” even though the Tea Party rose in popularity specifically to oppose his agenda.

Watch the interview below:


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