Anti-Trump Activists Launch ‘Ladders to Get Over Trump’s Wall’ GoFundMe Page

Anti-Trump Activists Launch ‘Ladders to Get Over Trump’s Wall’ GoFundMe Page

A new GoFundMe campaign was created on Thursday to buy “ladders to get over Trump’s wall” in response to the page set up to help build the wall, which has raised more than $11 million in pledged donations.

That page just drew the ire of liberal actress Alyssa Milano, who mocked Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee Veteran who started the page. Milano argues that the money could be used to take “care of our veterans.” Talk about out of touch!

“Oh, yes! Let’s GoFundTheWall while not taking care of our veterans. Cool. Cool. Cool,” Alyssa Milano said in a Twitter post.

Actor James Woods set Alyssa straight, pointing out that Kolfage is a veteran of the Air Force and is triple amputee due to his wartime wounds.

Turn the page for the details on the ‘Ladders to Get Over Trump’s Wall’ GoFundMe campaign.

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